Baidu Comate

Your AI Coding Mate

Your AI Coding Mate

With capabilities such as code completion, explanation, and debugging, Baidu Comate helps you think, write, and refine your code.

Powered by the advanced Baidu ERNIE AI model, Baidu Comate integrates proprietary and open-source data to offer next-generation programming assistance.

With capabilities such as code completion, explanation, and debugging, Baidu Comate helps you think, write, and refine your code.

Experience a ten-fold increase in productivity and effortlessly tackle programming challenges with your AI coding mate.

Enhanced Understanding of R&D Knowledge

With the launch of Code Knowledge Enhancement 2.0, Baidu Comate now has over 10,000 popular Github code repositories built-in that supports real-time research. Code with Comate, enjoy with efficiency.

organize repository structure
How is the handling of Markdown implemented
Answers based on your knowledge set
Enhanced Understanding of the DevOps Chain

Baidu Comate seamlessly integrates into your DevOps tools and services, greatly improving the productivity of the entire R&D process.

Enhanced Understanding of Enterprise Industries
Safe and reliable

Guaranteed code security and well-protected enterprise assets.

Adaptive to your business

Enhancing enterprise knowledge with customized plug-ins tailored for you.

Empowering the R&D process

Intelligent Debug, API-to-code generation, and API-to-test generation.

更懂行业客户 企业落地快







诸如 Log4j2、Fastjson 等


AK/SK、密码、Token 硬编码等

对于 SQL注入、SSRF、命令注入等通用安全漏洞,通过文心大模型 4.0,帮助用户一键生成修复代码,用户在采纳后即可替换修复。
针对 Log4j2、Fastjson 等供应链安全漏洞,支持用户进行一键修复,将组件更新到安全版本,帮助工程师低成本解决安全风险。


Improves collaboration efficiency drives business growth
Improves collaboration efficiency

Comate can reduce the learning cost of new members and save 20% of development time for the development team. The iteration time is shortened from months to weeks.

20 %
Requirements Implementation
Supports the whole process of product from requirements to implementation

The coding time only accounts for 40% of the entire development process. 60% of the time spent on requirements analysis, architecture analysis, test, and operation and maintenance is often overlooked. Comate places great emphasis on the efficiency improvement of the entire R&D process, from requirement document to version management.

Self Hosting

The large model is enabled to learn enterprise business code and processes in a more secure way, and be more in line with the industry and business needs.

Your IDE Your Language

Work with your favorite IDE and language, supported by over 100 mainstream languages and popular IDEs such as VSCode and JetBrains series.


Outstanding in mainstream languages such as C/C++, Java, Python, Go, JavaScript, TypeScript


支持在JetBrains、Visual Studio Code、Visual Studio、Xcode、Eclipse等主流IDE

Industry case

Financial industry

Comate greatly improves the programming efficiency within the enterprise, helping us quickly understand the business code. It can also automatically generate the business related code snippets, reducing the repetitive work in the development process.

Software industry

We enjoy Comate's Technical Q&A function very much. Based on a rich technical knowledge base, it can quickly solve problems encountered by enterprise the programmers during the coding process. This has saved a lot of time for the company's R&D team, and the solutions provided are more accurate and practical than those found on search engines!

Automobile industry

Comate's real-time continuous writing function is really great! It can automatically complete the code based on input, reducing many errors caused by manual input. In particular, it can automatically adjust the code format and layout according to the programming style and habits, making the code more readable!


“Top 10 Excellent Application Cases Powered by AI for AIIA in 2023” AIIA (Artificial Intelligence Industry Alliance) is an industry organization initiated by China Academy of Information and Communications Technology and other units in 2017 under the guidance of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Science and Technology, and Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission. It aims to build a global ecological cooperation platform powered by AI. Baidu intelligent coding assistant “Comate” stands out as one of the "Top 10 Excellent Application Cases Powered by AI for AIIA in 2023", and is also the only AI application in the software engineering field among the ten excellent application cases.
百度营销服务团队研发经理 郭骐
喜马拉雅 CTO 姜杰
What is Baidu Comate?
Based on the ERNIE model, combined with Baidu's accumulated years of on-site big data for programming and excellent external open-source data, it aims to generate the high-quality codes which are more in line with the actual research and development scenarios for you, improving your coding efficiency and releasing “ten times” of the software productivity.
What is the difference between the personal plan, the enterprise plan and the self hosting plan?
Comate has multiple offerings for business and individual developers. All the offerings include the basic features, incuding code completions and chat assistance. The difference between business offerings and the individual offerings are license management, performance data and more secure data proctection. The Individual VIP plan offers unlimited usage of pro features, including access to chat assistant, AutoWork, and Comate +.The Enterprise plan can index an organization’s codebase for a deeper understanding of the your private knowledge for more tailored suggestions and provide you the access to license management, performance data. The Self Hosting plan provide all features in Enterprise plan, also providing self hosting development for large enterprises. 企业版:面向企业客户,在专业版的基础上, 提供企业级安全和管理,同时提供完备的数据报表能力,助力企业分析应用效果、定位效能瓶颈,一站式赋能研发过程降本提效。 企业专有版:私有化部署版本涵盖企业版本全部能力,同时支撑大型企业规模化部署与应用,保障使用效果,维护数据安全。
Which languages, IDEs and systems does Comate support?
At present, Comate supports 100+ mainstream programming languages, with better performance in Go, Java, Python, JavaScript, C/C++, and TypeScript. The supported IDEs include Visual Studio Code (compatible with 1.70 and above) and JetBrains IDEs (compatible with 2021.1 and above, including IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, GoLand, WebStorm, and other JetBrains IDEs).
Will Comate collect my code data?
We promise not to use your code for any subsequent actions such as storage, analysis, processing and training. In the case of Self Hosting deployment, both the model and Docs are deployed in the client's private domain, and data will not leak. You can feel free to use it in SaaS and the Self Hosting!
Will my code be shared with other users?
No, not really. Accoding to our privacy agreement, we ensure that your code will not be used as suggested code for other Comate users.
How can enterprise users access Comate?
You can reach us by email ( We will contact with you immediately after receiving your application. 您可以通过 企业试用申请链接 或者邮件申请企业使用方案(,我们在收到您的申请后,将第一时间由专人跟进。
Baidu Comate Your AI Coding Assistant